Just another face in the crowd… I hope. He/him or whatever. I have the luxury of not having to be fussed.
Selfishness is coded into us by evolution. It’s genetic. Lots of people will agree with me on this.
What I get a lot of pushback on, is that selflessness is the same. It has evolutionary benefits for a familial group, and so gets selected for.
I was in a group that were all “officers of the watch”. Some idea was proposed that my character would have no reason to go along with, but rather than stop the group engaging in something fun, I say so, and follow up with “my character probably has some paperwork they need to catch up on anyway.”
Our chaotic player, who has the attention span of a slightly concussed goldfish goes “wait, we have to do paperwork?” and our GM, the goddamned sadist, gets that evil gleam in his eye.
Long story short, that session we role-played the sheer amount of paperwork our last session of kicking in the door and stopping a cultist ritual (by force in some cases) would have generated.
I admire that GM, but I was almost screaming in frustration by the end.
Tax incentivsed rubbish cover is the best way to put it. Taking out private cover (and never using it) is cheaper than paying the lifetime loading Medicare levy surcharge for most households earning over $100k a year. And all that money goes into some corpo’s pocket rather than to the government to help fund our public health system (although, let’s be real, even though it’s labelled as a “Medicare levy” the money would probably still go to buying nuclear submarines).