PedestrianError :vbus: :nblvt:
Enemy of car culture and cisheteropatriarchy
Profile & banner image: bad so-called pedestrian safety campaigns. Profile pic is a poster saying “WALK SAFE most pedestrian crashes are the pedestrian’s fault” & banner is a cartoon crab on a lifeguard stand holding flags that say “save yourself” and “use crosswalks”.
@scrubbles @mondoman712 Car company propaganda 100 years ago started these arguments. Prior to the invention of “jaywalking,” there was broad consensus that streets were public spaces for civic life including children’s play and motorists who barreled through them with entitlement to kill whatever got in their way were the bad guys.
@henfredemars @buckykat Nope. Both homebuyers and apartment developers are willing to pay a premium for high quality transit access, especially rail. Unless the rail service is really inconvenient and unreliable, it would substantially raise their precious property values, should they want to sell and move further out in the exurbs because they’re afraid of people who aren’t encased in SUVs.
@mondoman712 Good thing we have these utopian “blue states” to flee to as the fascists consolidate power nationally.