
ReceptorDamage [any]
My first reaction was a sober, “yeah… it’s been like that for a long time…” and then I remember who Noam Chomsky is and it’s like… “What the fuck, dude, you helped write the fucking book on how Freeze Peach doesn’t exist in bourgeoisie democracy, what, 3 fucking decade ago?!” Or maybe I’m giving too much credit to MC.
Why was a transphobe wreckker appointed as an admin like half an hour ago? I see it was banned as well fortunately but how did that happen in the first place? Slip of the wrist??
thank you. generally I really respect the careful moderation here, I just didn’t understand why I was getting banned for what I thought were innocuous names but I can see now how they were… thin ice at best. I’ll not make similar names in the future, but do plan to make such a device for myself, as I’d be scared not to.
ok I have some mental health issues. I try not to let them cross over here for obvious reasons. But I also make new usernames regularly for opsec/paranoia reasons. But I’ve been around since before the :reddit-logo: ban. but someone keeps banning every new user name I make and it’s upsetting me (not like there’s anything I can do about though).
sad fucking trajectory for this band. I adored them, their musical persona, their addictive output. But then their creative project marred, then completely destroyed by the misogynist element within it. Fuck you Ethan. It’s disgusting, but it’s telling how much that hidden backstory turns up in the music, specifically in Alice Glass’ open-hearted vocals.
I was following really closely for the first few weeks but just couldn’t anymore. Back then, it was being said that Russia had an almost certain win, even if it was drawn out in a presumable attempt to reduce civilian casualties. Looking at that map now looks like that’s not the case at all. MSM has been saying Ukraine would win for sure from the start, but I know that’s all lies and propaganda. We were wrong about there being no invasion when Biden kept saying “any day now!” Were we wrong to assume Russia would win this?
Obviously no one knows and we can’t predict the future, but is there any sort of consensus here on what the most likely outcomes are? Is there still any chance Zelensky and the current govt. will be removed from power by Russia, or is it looking like the focus is just on defending/taking the Donbas area?
Edit: Thank you for the responses and clarification.