
ReceptorDamage [any]
I feel like I can’t think right anymore. Something is fundamentally broken in the flow of my brain now. I used to think thoughts worth thinking, I used to have beautiful thoughts. But now they’re just pieces of some meaningful whole that once was, meaningless now that it’s shattered, something I forget what it used to be, and it’s all in pieces on the floor. I keep trying to pick it up and carefully piece it back together, hand shaking all the while. Maybe if I can, I might have beautiful thoughts worth thinking again, but there are just too goddamn many little shards, and all my time is wasted trying to identify them, sort them as part of what should have always been and maybe once was a cohesive whole. I’m scattered and broken, my thoughts , my being, the parts of me that are a self, all are scattered and broken. All I was was my thoughts, and now that they’re worthless… maybe it’s time to recognize they always were.
I don’t know it well enough for a fair assessment I guess, but I really did love Lawrence, Kansas when I visited. I had no class consciousness at the time as a teen, but I remember thinking it was the kind of idyllic midwest town that I would love to have spent a life, even with my west-coast bias. College-town progressiveness and blues-musician hot-spot made it feel like at the very least a worthwhile oasis island in an ocean of flat fields.
edit: nm