Probably need to understand the policy a bit better. If you get in line for a car but there’s a waiting list from the sudden demand, if you don’t get it until after they remove the policy do you end up missing out? It’s a bit of a gamble.
Yeah, I’m sure there will be a sunset period, but it’ll most likely only apply to people who have actually bought a car (i.e. it’s been registered in their name). If it’s on a boat, it won’t count.
They will probably give people a bit of lead time after the announcement though (ideally a couple of months at least). Although given it seems to be mostly ideological, maybe they won’t, and sales will drop off a cliff as soon as they confirm it’s ending.
It hasn’t really been one of the more productive days today… (so far)
I guess he wanted to get some headlines since he’s been an MP for 6 years and no one’s ever heard of him. Fair play.