
SardoNardo [doe/deer]
I don’t know if you’ve ever been in a high pressure physical situation before but you REALLY don’t notice details when you’re scared and trying to do something fast. Even if the trigger weight is wildly different it wouldn’t be noticed/reflected upon until after the weapon is fired.
Well the bodycam footage was released. This incident of him running and her shooting him all happens in under 3 seconds. Live action in a high pressure situation, all those differences you noted between the gun and taser would not be noticed. She was screaming for the other officer to tase him, then she pulled out her gun and instantly shot him. It happened so damn fast. Her voice sounded genuinely shocked when it happened, that she had shot her gun instead of the taser. She literally screams “OH SHIT” the instant after it happens. Its not some fake ass cover story that she invented afterwards. Pigs shouldn’t carry lethal weapons, in a lot of countries they don’t.
I had a different copypasta, but the create post title box gave this old thread as a suggestion and I just had to :sicko-fem: