SixSidedUrsine [comrade/them]
Don’t get me wrong, I think there is plenty of blame to be assigned broadly to a lot of mods and admins. But on this one specific issue of this person who kept making alts to harass users who were critical of the changes, that was very very likely to be the work of a single mod.
How did you confirm it? Did the mod in question just pinky promise that no it wasn’t them doing the alts? And completely aside from that, can you also confirm that the mod in question is not the same person as one who was banned multiple times from hexbear in the past for being a wrecker and unable to stop harassing vegans in particular?
I would be very glad to know it if you were in fact able to confirm that neither of these things are true. But given what I’ve seen and what I personally know, it would have to be seriously convincing evidence.
I wasn’t banned, but I was angry for the people who were. If she feels bad about it as you say, it seems like the right thing to do would be for her to apologize to the people who she felt bad for banning. Maybe she still will, but I would think for most users who got banned it would be cold comfort being told second hand that the person who condescendingly took away their ability to discuss this with ban-reasoning like “give your keyboard a break, take deep breaths” now “feels bad about it.” Some of those people no doubt went to bed assuming they won’t get to talk again for 3 days and may not come back to even see they aren’t banned until that time is up. This isn’t some terrible crime or anything, but it is yet another action in a long line of them that demonstrates total disrespect of the users here and just a disregard for how they feel.
I 100% agree. I have no interest personally in dedicating myself to finding out the truth of these things using timelines and corkboards with strings and pins, I just thought it might be a situation where it was an open secret where the truth was already known just not spoken of, since all of this has been news to me. But I have a better understanding of the situation now, so thanks.
Whatever the case, like you I would sure as hell hope that one of the things to come out of this whole debacle would be a reassessment of whether this certain individual should remain a mod or if they should even be re-permabanned, because this is intolerable behavior. A broader reassessment about who should have mod powers in general might be in order too, even if all of this is just a tangent to the “low effort dunk post” issue that kicked this off.
Understood, and for what it’s worth, I fully agree with your assessment. Part of what I was trying to find out was if it was known by other mods that they gave moderatorship to someone who had been permabanned from the site for wrecking. But it looks like that’s unknown and just speculation like the other parts at this point, even if it is highly reasonable and well grounded speculation.
Ok, that’s kind of what I figured was the case, but it felt like some people were hinting that it was confirmed. But let me get this part straight. It is confirmed and known that HelltakerHomosexual is Catradora_Stalinism? I’m all for giving people second, even third and forth chances but it seems like someone who had been given those multiple chances already and still proved they couldn’t stop wrecking (Catradora) then they shouldn’t be able to come back and be given the power of being a moderator.
Are we allowed to say the names this person uses as more permanent accounts? It seems to me that if it is obvious who this person is, we shouldn’t be shy about “naming and shaming.” But maybe it’s not obvious?
I’ll just come out and ask. Is this person who keeps making the debatebro* accounts to say cringe wrecker shit and then promptly getting banned the same person who goes by u/HelltakerHomosexual ? The latter being a mod of several comms here? And is HelltakerHomosexual the same person as u/Catradora_Stalinism who was repeatedly temp and permabanned but given warnings and unbanned, then finally truly permanently banned because they simply couldn’t stop wrecking, provoking fights, and being vehemently anti-vegan? IF that is the case, then it’s clear she still can’t stop wrecking.
Tagging and since they were insinuating that at least some of the above was true in comments on the post that’s locked now. On the one hand, I realize this is treading dangerously near to drama posting, but I honestly want to know if a past permabanned known wrecker is still an active part of the community and if they are still in fact wrecking like they were before when they got banned. That’s not about drama, and It seems like a fair thing for the community as a whole to know.
Nah, Marxist-Leninist analysis of the 30’s is deep and paints an accurate picture of what was actually going down at that time based on material reality instead of… you know, vibes that help prop up the idealist liberal’s flawed worldview. But to the contrary, the NATO sycophants’ history books that just straight make shit up throughout the 20th century have an almost complete amnesia regarding many 21st century and especially recent events leading up to the current situation now. That way, they can just assign motivations willy nilly to the current actors involved, no matter how arbitrary or nonsensical so long as, again, it supports their worldview, as Marvel movie-like it may be, and even as untenable as it is in the face of any actual historical context. Kinda sad.