
Spores [she/her]

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I don’t know, I do agree with you that I wish it included more perspectives but I guess i kind of interpreted the show as demonstrating how individual acts of rebellion are kind of pointless and do not work to improve conditions (eg, Kai couldn’t have pulled off the heist by himself but maybe he could have if he had the help of Armond who instead decided to pursue his own revenge). I also wish the show provided some possible viable alternatives but i didn’t expect it.

I also interpreted the ending to demonstrate the that people from the imperial core will tend to put their material conditions first even if they are somewhat sympathetic. It kind of raises the question of if you spend all your time hanging out with and eating from the capitalist table, are you really that different from one just because you find them disgusting and sometimes pushback against them via debate?


I’m as right leaning as they come but I really think it’s time to do a communist revolution and overthrow the dictatorship of capital


Yeaa you’re right on the FEC. Idk why opensecrets doesn’t show as much


I think according to the FAQs it’s only public record if it’s over 200$ in a campaign.


I recommend Scissor Seven. It’s a short/cute animated series with funny moments and the first 2 seasons are dubbed.


I think firstly, its important to remember that a lot of ideas are informed by the world around you and it doesn’t necessarily make you a bad person just because you realized or someone has pointed out that your ideas might be associated with bigotry. If someone has, try not to make it about yourself (like even if someone isn’t being super nice about it, think about why you’re more concerned with how you’re being criticized rather than how your words affect others. Focus on WHY you are being critized vs. how . not saying you do this but I see it a lot here

As for next steps its really hard to say because it can be different for everyone. Maybe try and think about how you dismantle capitalist poisoned ideas and apply it to other areas?

For example: Feeling less worthy because of your income. It’s very normal to feel this way because in capitalist hellworld everyone around you has either explicitly or subtly reinforced ideas around money based meritocracy. Its OK to have this feeling but also recognize that it comes from a shiity and unfair world and its not some objective sentiment or one that comes from thin air. Its a constant battle and it sucks but it does get easier over time. As I learned more leftist ideas, I got better at catching myself for feeling bad about doing things that “weren’t productive”.

Another thing is that your sense of normalcy is completely constructed and sometimes things that are out of your control can still be problematic And it’s ok to not like things but really think about how you enage with others about it. Like if you dislike a certain style of music its ok to not force yourself to like it but also recognize that maybe one of the reasons you don’t is because you haven’t been exposed to it (i think studies have found that people tastes in music tend to be mostly formed during their teens). If a style of music has not been supported due to racism during that time, then your tastes are shaped by racism even if it is out of your control or doesn’t seem like it at first. Its ok to admit that and work towards supporting and not putting down certain marginalized styles even if its not your cup of tea.


I don’t think that’s what it seems like. I’ve read most of the exchange and I don’t think you hate women but you probably are unwilling to do a bit of self examination. As you acknowledge we do live in a sexist society and nobody is immune to their surroundings.

Like even I as someone who reads feminist theory/has experienced sexism will have moments where I instinctively find certain womanly traits annoying and I have to stop myself and question if that annoyance comes from a place of sexism or not (and honestly, sometimes it does). I AM A FEMINIST I STILL THINK I HAVE MY SEXIST MOMENTS. No one is immune from doing sexist things and we have to constantly be open to unlearning/rethinking things. Most instances of sexism are very subtle and unintentional. The important thing is willingness to listen/improve.

Also even if you find it annoying from a completely neutral place, you don’t have to point it out. There are a million reasons to dislike the pod, there isn’t a need to point out their voices especially if someone is telling you that it contributes to sexist dialogue around women. It’s not like pointing out the voice thing is some deep or insightful thing, you’re not losing anything by deleting or editing the comment.


I mean it does follow the trend of marxists having lib children like Kamala and Pete. The piece was clearly written by a chud tho


Yeah it’s quite painful in the moment but I don’t think it will last forever. I hope you’re able to go somewhere private/make boundaries and not be around her during distressing moments.

One thing to keep in mind of is that being in a relationship will not always fix whatever other issues you have or act as some sort of magic spell that will suddenly make you happy and fulfilled. There is a lot of FOMO that social media/entertainment creates around relationships which are not based in reality. There are many cool people out there so the idea that you can only be happy if you are with her is something that is also not true. Also keep in mind that a human lifetime is like 70-80 years soo if you’re under 40 you’re not even halfway there and have plenty of time to find other rewarding relationships (or other ways to be happy). Not to mention that there is no real deadline to finding someone, it’s an arbitrary pressure you put on yourself.

Idk if this applies to you but there’s a lot of toxic and sexist dialogue around being “friend zoned” which implies that that being friends with someone is inferior to dating or sleeping with someone. We live in a society that puts everything in a hierarchy so relationships are no different with marriages/romantic relationships with women being valued above all. However this hierarchy, like many others, is a construct that is harmful and can be dismantled. Having a close friendship with someone is something that can be a life-long source of support and sometimes friends can be the most important people in your life. It’s honestly something awesome to be cherished if you can work through your current feelings (a lot of people don’t have many close friends, myself included). Please do try your best to not tie your self-worth to this hierarchy. You are just as worthy no matter what type of relationship you have with her.
