There was a republican that tried to kill him, however unsuccessfully. Other than that, there have been plenty of court cases.
But i really don’t care what happenes, because I’m not voting for any of them. It would be a very interesting social experiment to see how bad it’ll be. I’m welcoming the purge thay may follow.
If Drump wins, there will be no more elections. So no.
USA is one of the few barbaric countries left. Bad public education, too many police officers with near to no training, high poverty. This is how you increase crime.
Completely unrelated, in Norway we call them “crow balls” (kråkeboller)
This is some dystopian comedy material
I’ve actually done this successfully. TSA agent knocked on it, and said no problem.
If i somehow would be stopped, I’d love to argue what is liquid or not, and what could be liquid if it’s just hot enough.
It amazes me that one of the largest countries in the world, with the most diverse demographics, can only chose between two candidates. This is not democracy. It’s a shit show that has been going on for far too long.