StashyGeneralist [she/her,they/them]
:anarkitty: :iww: :anarkitty:
The key word here that anarchists have a beef with in regards to a Transitory State, is “State”. While you may think of the transition state as either a condition of being or a government anarchists object to the later. A transition period is fine by us but to anarchists this period is marked with prefiguration to our ideal communist society; because as the anarchist idiom goes, “The means by which we achieve our ends, will invariably determine what they will actually look like”. This emphasis on prefiguration is important here to avoid the revolution’s regression to capitalism as seen in the Soviet Union and China
I’m not well informed enough on defence but looking at Rojava and especially the EZLN shows that you don’t need a hierarchical chain of command to defend the revolution.
IDGAF about Thanksgiving; i’m not even in the US right now, so instead I’m celebrating my birthday today! :ferret: :cat-vibing: :cat-trans:
Gosh it’s so frustrating