Is it? Good to know for the future. I was expecting access to the bulb from the inside of the trunk through a cutout in the body, because that made the most sense to me and was what I had seen in other cars in the past. A friend of mine from work (a diesel mechanic) was also surprised that the tail light assembly had to be removed to get to the bulbs. That he was surprised made me feel a bit less stupid and prompted me to do the write up. Who knows, maybe this will help someone in the future though.
Shit, damn, f**k! Well that happened. Next.
Well, crap.
Off-hand? Algorithm driven social media, “news” media generally, politicians, family/kids. The last is at least usually tolerable, or at least correctable. The rest should be taken only in moderation with a mound full of salt.
The Ocean’s 11 (2001) comes to mind as does a couple of episodes of West Wing that had scenes with card games.
Seriously, we should be doing both as long term space habitats can serve as a way to reduce the cost of moving cargo around.
I rather like ! . HFY short stories. Sadly not very busy but the stories have been great.
This may be the only attack ad I’ve ever seen that hasn’t left me with a foul taste in my mouth. No name calling, no fear mongering or sabre rattling. Just a supportive campaign ad delivered to the wrong audience, pointing out things that that audience would likely find very offensive. Whoever thought this up needs a pay raise. But why the hell do they have to be working with Trump’s campaign?
I agree with . It sounds like you are trying to replicate your workflow. Windows and Linux come from different mentalities. There won’t always be a drop in replacement.
I’m short on time but perhaps I can help with your point 9 though.
Each distro’s repos are built by the people that use that particular distro. Somebody needed a particular piece of software, found it wasn’t in the repository and decided to package it and perhaps maintain it for the repo. Sometimes this is the original developer, sometimes not.
All software is built from source code. If the source code is available for Linux, you can compile it yourself. Instructions for how to do so are usually provided by the developer along with the source code, nowadays usually found at their git repository.
Of course, you don’t have to compile all your own software (it can be a headache, which is why someone came up with precompiled packages), but it is an option if the software in question is not available in your distribution’s repo.
Your number 1 point: I like Kate, vscode and micro as text editors. They are fairly simple.
Honestly I just try to close the rings on my apple watch most days. I have them set so that roughly 20 extra minutes of light exercising will close them on a normal day. For me that works out to 580 move, 30 exercise, 8 stand.
In addition to that, 3 days a week I go to the gym for some weight training and do my best to try and run for 40 minutes. So far my best running distance in that time has been 4.76 km. Next day I smacked my knee against a fuel tank at work and had to stop running for the last few weeks. Flipping hurt to walk for a few days after that. Had a nice big bruise.
As for motivation, A couple months ago, I had a scare where my heart started going haywire. Turned out to be caffeine overdose as I was drinking black coffee like a fish drinks water. Switched to decaf and started going back to the gym. Not really following any programs just trying to substitute for the caffeine I was using to keep going. So far it seems to be working for me.