THRILLHOU [none/use name]
Remember everyone lost their shit about Sargon? This is the new Sargon.
He can’t affect anything outside of a corner of the Web. If he ever sticks his head out into the real world he’ll be swatted down by the mountain of incrimination he has built for himself.
He’s trapped on that chair until people stop watching.
“I went to a place that would upset me and then I got upset. How could this happen?”
Lol don’t go to niche subs full of dick heads, you dope.
Luckily, it will have no effect on anything and you only know and care about it because you’re part of a vanishingly small niche within a vanishingly small niche in the rapidly receeding West.
Next time you have the urge to watch a pointless, ugly struggle session, pirate Godzilla vs Kong.
A lot of you need to fuckin get a bit more resilient, for fucks sake.
Lol everyone clutching pearls about what this means about his politics.
This isn’t politics, this is him winning a debate by acting the cunt.
He’s not a political figure, he’s an acting the cunt figure.
Up the RA