Theblarglereflargle [any]
Counter point: Vexillogy is in fact good and seal on bedsheet is lame. People just took the worst most boring lessons from that TED talk/CPGrey video l/ don’t realize Grey has poor aesthetic tastes that’s the issue.
Counter counter point: Utah having a war over its new flag being “woke” is hillarious.
Can someone please explain to me the thought process these fuckers have where Boy dressed as girl= not gay and hetero to fap to
But trans girl= gay and makes me gay for liking it.
A fucking half decade of buildup with a kings ransom spent by pundits, think tanks, and the general ghouls of the GOP and he folded from Trump at 10% of his power. Amazing
The answer is: they don’t know it exist. I had to explain to a bunch of Catholics what shit like the Misericordia et misera and other pro life edicts from the pope says about being pro life (ie anti war, anti death penalty, pro preferential treatment for poor) and they always accuse me of lying.
Add it to the huge list of examples of American Catholics being Protestants with extra gold.
These same people loose their shit if you read them catholic social teaching and that it counts as a mortal sin to be agaisnt preferential treatment for the poor.