This [it/its]
That said, there is a “language” and “pattern” to memes that I’ve been learning to master.
People engage more with an image of text than an actual paragraph of text.
Brevity is the soul of wit.
Dumb your ideas down, use basic language, and in-group language and symbols.
Don’t invent memes, just use existing ones, even if it’s as dumb as “Lisa Simpson theater marquee” or “sailor girl holding a sign”
This is one of the worst trends of social media. Sticking to the familiar and regurgitating popular takes gets you lauded while original thoughts or ideas are met with scorn or indifference.
Doubly so because part of this “Great Reset” is about cratering the economy, rendering paper money insolvent, and sticking everyone to a new cryptocurrency grid.
It just feels like you’re projecting. “Trump threatened to break up Google so they 4D chess skewed Covid stats against him and now are now trying to make Biden look like a champion!” Occam’s Razor would suggest new admin, new guidelines (and also the administration actually giving a fuck). But even then, I would maybe give this theory more weight if these graphical changes took place across ALL platforms.