Democrats had a tight majority because of flaws in our democracy that allow Republicans to disproportionately represent themselves. Democrats had to negotiate around Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin. It honestly impressive Democrats got anything done at all, but the legislation they did pass is not enough on its own. If we don’t fix the issues with our democracy soon we are going to lose it, because Republicans are going to keep exploiting everything they can until they get total power.
The electoral college is one of the flaws I would like to see fixed. We should abolish the electoral college. It disproportionally benefits Republicans because they control more land, as you said. Representative democracy is supposed to represent the majority of people not a minority.
I read a variety of what the free press has to offer about China. Xi has clearly consolidated power around him. It’s not a secret.
But defend yourselves from what?
Brigading, trolling and logical fallacies.
the whole of mainstream American society is neoliberal
The mainstream politicians definitely are. But polling suggests an overwhelming majority of Americans support progressive ideas.
Then consider speaking of them less presumptuously
I’ll speak how I want thanks. I live in a free country.
Are you talking about this guy?
I didn’t participate in 196 when I was on Reddit. And I’ve just now learned about Vaush. For what it’s worth, I haven’t seen him mentioned on this 196.
Although I’m pro-NATO. I’ve no way to know how representative that stance is of the general user base of this instance. But I’m of the opinion that it’s a common position.
Defend what?
they know jack shit about what those people actually think
I’m interested to learn more about what those people actually think.
Western communists are typically quite familiar with the ideology of liberals.
I’m not sure how they can be if they think everyone to the right of them is a liberal.