When life gives you July and August, don’t make peace and grow. Make life take the July and August back! Get mad! I don’t want your damn July and August, what the hell am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life’s manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson July and August! Do you know who I am? I’m the man who’s gonna burn your house down! With the July and August! I’m gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible July and August that burns your house down!
Wish rules are overrated. And easily circumvented anyway.
Where is this comic from?
Ok, so it looks like stormfront is a website that promotes white pride. It sounds like there might have been a subreddit at some point based on that stormfront image.
And /r/196 is a leftist meme posting subreddit that is trans friendly.
I’m using non-reddit links because I don’t want to direct traffic to reddit.
Can you help me find a source that shows, stormfront, a white pride website, influenced the 196 rule please? This seems like an important point to learn more about. I’ve been googling, but I haven’t found any connection yet.
I won’t contest that racism and bigotry existed on reddit. It definitely did. I also experienced and saw kindness and acceptance. Saying Reddit in its entirety is racist is really no different that saying everyone is racist. And not everyone and not everyone on reddit is racist.
It goes without saying all lives matter. It needs to be said that Black Lives Matter. I am aware racism exists on reddit. I’d love to see a survey or study that indicates a majority of people are racist on reddit.
I’m not convinced that calling reddit predominantly racist is based on actual sympathy for people of color. There is a competing reason I can think of why someone would want to discredit reddit however. They tended to moderate against authoritarian communists, people who are notorious for their support of governments that committed genocides against minorities.