
TotalBrownout [none/use name]
Wellbutrin gave me inflammation/joint pain, especially in the knees.
I have aphantasia, so writing intended to conjure visual imagery doesn’t work for me.
This was pre-COVID… much worse now.
Context matters: This photo was taken a few years ago by someone standing in front of a Perkins (which is went out of business) The Payless also went out of business… probably half of the stuff in these photos is closed now.
Wisconsin is a very depressing place.
IBEW member here… the union has what’s known as the referral system, where any member may sign a work book and then put a bid in on any available job. The system works though an app where you get to see a list of all currently unfilled openings and see information like jobsite location, employer, hours of work, duration etc. and then you put in a bid for whatever job looks best for you and if you are the highest person on the book, you are dispatched to that job. If you don’t like your boss, go sign the books, get a new job, and that’s it. No notice, no interviews, no references, your benefits are through the union also so your employer literally has no leverage over you… it feels right.
Here’s the current package. The wage column is the “on the check” wage before taxes, after benefits.
“But just so we’re all clear, Ukraine is not a fascist state.”
LOL, a state with the following features:
Ethno-nationalist political platform, banning of political opposition, merging of an explicitly fascist paramilitary with the government… yup, totally clear, definitively not fascist at all. Massive debunking, myth busted!
An experiment involving introducing the game “musical chairs” to children attempted to answer this question. In addition to the normal version, an alternative version where everyone would share fewer and fewer chairs was played.
The children almost ubiquitously preferred the cooperative version.