
TotalBrownout [none/use name]
To be fair, he’s talking about uniformity of parts/not fit, but I worked for a place that made parts for NASA spacecraft and the spec was .002”. Apparently this truck is going to cost millions of dollars…
Grew up poor, so the version I remember was extra-special. Hog scraps (think lips & assholes versus head meat) bound together with corn meal mush… had to eat that shit for breakfast as a kid. When frying the thin slices (spam musubi style) this white, puss-looking goo would leak out of it. That smell… woof.
While on the one hand, American bloodlust is running hotter than ever these days… On the other hand, around 95% of Americans believed the “Saddam has WMDs” claim in early 2003, and 80%+ continued to believe this into the summer of '03, when it should have been pretty clear that there were no WMDs… well after the infamous “mission accomplished” speech. We can’t even get 95% of Americans to agree that the Earth is round these days.
Can’t speak on Europe/“the west”… it seems that they would be reluctant to believe whatever shit the US is cooking up to push regime change though.
Because we live in a sick society that has normalized violence up to/including social murder (the US “healthcare” system.) Corporal punishment is highly correlated to socioeconomic status.
21% of US adults (over 43 million people) are illiterate/functionally illiterate.
“China fakes their numbers”
-some liberal, probably.
Yes, if one views the BLM protests as part of a larger war of attrition against the carceral state.
In invocations of settler colonialism, Berkowitz hears progressives giving up on effecting change through political means. “The left has replaced its faith in proletarian subjects and utopian solutions with a view of the Indigenous as innocent and oppressed. It’s an ethics rather than a politics.”
What the fuck does this even mean?