Libs totally aren’t fascists btw
Someone using “settler colonialism”, “turtle island”, etc etc is akin to hearing a Republican bring up Hunter Biden in that I know I can simpy (sic) discount everything they say about everything.
This is what a settler-colonial fascist scumbag sounds like. This is a whole cracker. Death to America, death to Canada, death to the cracker settler menace.
Seeing these cracker fucks talk like this while continuing to displace fellow ndns (thacker pass for a more recent and egregious example) brings about a certain type of hatred in my heart.
Settler colonialism is a real thing that happened in history with devastating consequences for indigenous peoples around the globe.
Still very much happening but it’s only really being called out in Western societies. Meanwhile indigenous Tibetans are having their culture erased by Han Chinese, etc…
I got the “pshaw what about tibet” response when I mentioned the ansarallah movement’s statement of solidarity with all settler-colonized people on the planet
they got mad when i asked them what they thought “settler-colonialism” meant
they ended the conversation in anger when I brought up the slavery and torture that the Chinese stopped in Tibet
thats the kinda person who will look you dead in the eye and say “Colonialism can be good, look how bad the Aztecs were”
I was trying to read an article on decolonization from some Ivy league school and on like the second page there was a footnote about how not just the west does colonization but cHiNa tOo! I couldn’t kee reading it after that lol
White supremacy is the black hole at the center of liberal thought: not directly observable, but made apparent by how all of their other ideas orbit around it.
There’s a direct line between the liberal supporting the acquisition of new colonies in 1870 and those people.
After all, the UK, France, Italy, Germany - all had elections back then, which were usually decided between a liberal and conservative party (and both did colonialism)
It [the name Turtle Island] sounds so cute. It makes me want to live here even more, if 130 years of relative safety for my family weren’t a good enough reason.
How fucking absolutely ghoulish do you have to be to say some shit like this. You live in relative wealth and safety BECAUSE your ancestors and the rest of the colonial establishment committed atrocities against the indigenous peoples of America, stole their land, and continue to erase them even as they live today.
Imagine knowing that today tribal land is some of the most disadvantaged areas of this country, with poor access to healthcare, education, aid, etc. and the absolute extreme hardship their ancestors went through and then saying this shit being a privileged cracker ass mf. Absolute genocidal maniacs.
PPI has been around since 1989 and views itself as Bill Clinton’s “idea mill” aka think tank. Why I call them a fossil fuel think tank is detailed here. They oppose climate action, defend fracking, and receive donations from Exxon Mobil.
it’s safe to say that their upvotes are farmed, and their organic support is mostly bourgeois economics and political science majors and interns who hope to work for PPI or a similar think tank one day. It’s basically a Neera Tanden farm.
The creator of r/neoliberal, Colin Mortimer, is the Director of the Center for New Liberalism at PPI, which seeks to “develop a salient identity around the center-left values that have increasingly come under fire in this age of populism.”
copy the text in this spoiler tag to repost
Reminder that [r/neoliberal was created by and is astroturfed by a fossil fuel think tank called the Progressive Policy Institute, as part of their "Neoliberal Project"](
PPI has been around since 1989 and views itself as Bill Clinton's "idea mill" aka think tank. [Why I call them a fossil fuel think tank is detailed here.]( They oppose climate action, defend fracking, and receive donations from Exxon Mobil.
it's safe to say that their upvotes are farmed, and their organic support is mostly bourgeois economics and political science majors and interns who hope to work for PPI or a similar think tank one day. It's basically a Neera Tanden farm.
The creator of r/neoliberal, [Colin Mortimer](, is the [Director of the Center for New Liberalism at PPI](, which seeks to "develop a salient identity around the center-left values that have increasingly come under fire in this age of populism."
This should be a copypasta/canned bot response everytime the word “neoliberal” is used. Or at least when “r/neoliberal” is used.
Not enough people know that place is astroturfed to hell - to an even greater extent than most subreddits could this suggestion be someday turned to reality?
any bot account can do this, you can ask or
is designed to do exactly this. TankieReplyBot can handle it once I bring it back up (which should be soon).
: Indigeneity is itself a Complex™ topic that needs to be defined first before going anywhere.
Edit: from that article:
A left-wing kibbutznik who lives a few miles from Gaza and drives sick Palestinians to Israeli hospitals is no less a colonialist than a right-wing theocratic settler
Ah fuck I didn’t even think about the left wing kibbutznik
The article is a comedy goldmine
In invocations of settler colonialism, Berkowitz hears progressives giving up on effecting change through political means.
Decolonization isn’t political, apparently