Libs totally aren’t fascists btw
Someone compared what the US/Canada did to their Indigenous population to what China is supposedly doing to Tibet.
Remind me again what % of Tibetans speak Tibetan compared to Indigenous people speak their traditional languages?
Absolutely calling North America ‘Turtle Island’ from now on
What even are neo liberals? Lol. I mean, I know the definition but who are these people? Just rightists who have taken LSD before?
True believers in the current status quo, of superiority of the west, nationalists, as well as being privileged under the current economic system (or thinking they are), knowing it and acting to enforce those privileges. The kind of person to support the conquest of new colonies in 1870, to support WW1 in the 1910s, to think Hitler would be a useful ally against communism in 1940, to openly admire figures like Kissinger or Reagan, to support the Iraq War, wanting the west to nuke Moscow etc.
They’re all going to become openly right wing in probably not that many years, but they don’t want to be seen as right wing now. They’re not nationalists after all (they’re patriots), they’re democrats - wanting the government to rule responsibly over the unwashed ignorant masses who they feel so superior to.
Oh this shit pisses me right the fuck off. These lily-white nerds bent over a keyboard arguing over a group of people that their proposed policies hurt the most. Hope they enjoy the climate change that’s brought upon the world despite indigenous groups predicting it for centuries.
I want to unread that thread