Libs totally aren’t fascists btw
: Indigeneity is itself a Complex™ topic that needs to be defined first before going anywhere.
Edit: from that article:
A left-wing kibbutznik who lives a few miles from Gaza and drives sick Palestinians to Israeli hospitals is no less a colonialist than a right-wing theocratic settler
Ah fuck I didn’t even think about the left wing kibbutznik
The article is a comedy goldmine
In invocations of settler colonialism, Berkowitz hears progressives giving up on effecting change through political means.
Decolonization isn’t political, apparently
Settler colonialism is a real thing that happened in history with devastating consequences for indigenous peoples around the globe.
Still very much happening but it’s only really being called out in Western societies. Meanwhile indigenous Tibetans are having their culture erased by Han Chinese, etc…
I got the “pshaw what about tibet” response when I mentioned the ansarallah movement’s statement of solidarity with all settler-colonized people on the planet
they got mad when i asked them what they thought “settler-colonialism” meant
they ended the conversation in anger when I brought up the slavery and torture that the Chinese stopped in Tibet
I was trying to read an article on decolonization from some Ivy league school and on like the second page there was a footnote about how not just the west does colonization but cHiNa tOo! I couldn’t kee reading it after that lol
thats the kinda person who will look you dead in the eye and say “Colonialism can be good, look how bad the Aztecs were”
White supremacy is the black hole at the center of liberal thought: not directly observable, but made apparent by how all of their other ideas orbit around it.
There’s a direct line between the liberal supporting the acquisition of new colonies in 1870 and those people.
After all, the UK, France, Italy, Germany - all had elections back then, which were usually decided between a liberal and conservative party (and both did colonialism)
White people really think liberation is a massive “Draw 4 Reverse” Uno card. Nothing but perpetual fear that “they’ll do to us what we did to them” like that doesn’t immediately betray the reality of settler-colonialism.
i support it regardless but I don’t see how Hawaiian independence would work without deporting or disenfranchising a bunch of crackers and whatever non-white non-indigenous people who would immediately vote to (re)join or otherwise dominate local politics by sheer numbers.
Koupe tet, boule kay. Cut off the head, burn down the house. Crackery is a verminous infestation in that if it’s not utterly eradicated, it will come back. All I had to do to learn that was look at the way I was raised as though cracker-borne racism had been eradicated, only for the last 10 years to occur right after my most formative years.
Kind of interesting how “turtle island” became the defacto name for North America among some indigenous peoples and activists. Only a few tribes (out of literally 1,000s), the Lenape and Iroquois of the eastern woodlands on North America referred to it roughly as such with translations from the 16th and 17th centuries it’s difficult to know exactly what the context of this story was but it’s become so popular in some circles. If you had a Time Machine and were transported back to pre contact Pacific Northwest, nobody would know about Turtle Island. It’s literally putting indigenous peoples into a monolith.
I am unfamiliar with this topic, can someone explain to me what this person got wrong?
I don’t see how indigenous movements using a name that was originally used by only few peoples puts the whole of indigenous peoples in a monolith.
They’re also acting like indigenous people have to treat their culture as undead. Existing, but not changing. The Navajo may have not used the term ‘Turtle Island’ before colonization, but it doesn’t mean Navajo people post-colonisation can’t adopt the word as part of a greater pan-indigenous movement of solidarity against the horrors of colonisation.
yeah, i think they think maybe that ‘turtle island’ is bad, only the few bad apples of all indigenous peoples use it; then the rest must prefer the only alternative, i.e. the default, i.e. the status quo, i.e. what is in their material interest
why can’t other indigenous groups prefer turtle island even if it isn’t their ideal name? why would it be thought that an indigenous group/tribe/band would be spoken for by settler-colonials instead of engage in solidarity with one another, especially other’s who share the same goals?
This reply was actually pretty good:
This is something every pan-racial (for lack of a better term) movement will run into. Every movement needs its foundational myths (in the folkloric sense, not the “stories that are false” sense) and common beliefs to function. When you’re trying to unite disparate peoples whose main reason for joining together is to increase political/bargaining power, you’re going to have to either choose to prioritize certain narratives over others or create new narratives whole cloth. Since legitimacy tends to come from either time or power and these movements lack power, most groups are going to pick the first option (in reality, a mix between the two options). Due to the relative prominence of the Eastern Woodlands in both American/Canadian history and members of tribes from that region in the creation of pan-Indianism, narratives from those tribes are going to be prioritized. And other people are going to go along with it, because joining with the movement is more beneficial than fighting it, especially for something as minor as this.
Even if they are right (and likewise I’m too ignorant on this to know) this comes across as concern trolling given the context. If they were making this criticism to the activists as another activist it could be a completely reasonable criticism but theyre making the comment in an r/neoliberal thread where theyre trying to make themselves feel better about being the beneficiaries of colonialism.
Someone using “settler colonialism”, “turtle island”, etc etc is akin to hearing a Republican bring up Hunter Biden in that I know I can simpy (sic) discount everything they say about everything.
This is what a settler-colonial fascist scumbag sounds like. This is a whole cracker. Death to America, death to Canada, death to the cracker settler menace.
Seeing these cracker fucks talk like this while continuing to displace fellow ndns (thacker pass for a more recent and egregious example) brings about a certain type of hatred in my heart.