I like how that one guy has his hand up a cops ass.
Edit: gorgeous lol
She’s fine with direct sunlight, obviously keep the sun from beaming her in the face. Babies aren’t smart enough not to stare into the sun.
Long exposure you need to wait. They don’t regulate temperature well. That’s why they get bundled in the winter and a lot of times naked, just diapers, in the summer depending on temperature of your house. Also fresh skin will burn easy.
Don’t feel bad asking questions we all learned from somewhere. Most, like myself, learn when you have a kid. It’s better to ask questions. Asking questions shows you care and you want to do what’s right.
Need some elaboration here. You’re talking about long term exposure, or general exposure.
General exposure I’d say immediately, it’s natural to be exposed to the sun. If that wasn’t the case I didn’t think we would have survived as humans.
Long term it takes a while because they can’t regulate their temperature very well and will burn.
If you can afford to pay your bills with that salary and you think that you would be happier fucking do it. We don’t live very long and we work most of it. with drive time I am gone from my house 11 hours a day, after putting my kids to sleep I only have 2 hours a day to myself. Only 2 hours of my day where I can sit down and just relax. If you can at least be happy and that other 11 hours good on you do it. Only person’s opinion that matters is yours and what makes you happy
Fuck yeah! Congratulations! I know that shit ain’t easy, but, you are doing it. I’m proud of you man, you should be proud of yourself too.