I was looking into rust desk. It looked like the perfect solution for remotly helping my family members. The problem is I have them running silverblue. I don’t think rust desk supports Wayland. There is a experimental way I was going to try, but I’m not sure how to install it since its not in Fedora repo or flatpak.
As a new dev who is still working on a “full-stack web dev” course. I would definitely take it as a compliment.
Can someone explain why so many comments saying this is bad and want their instances to block threads? Seems like it would be a good thing to make the fediverse bigger and more accessible.
Not trying to be mean, and I realize this is piracy community. But if you are at the point where your adding mods to a indie game. Probably time to consider buying it. Clearly it would be worth it.(assuming you can afford it ofc)
I started using nixos three weeks ago. I use it every day on desktop now, and also switched my homelab serve to it. These videos on Vimjoyer’s channel where a great starting point. I recommend trying to go straight to using a flake to update your system instead of channels. Its confusing to get setup, but makes so much sense once you do.
Check out torbox. Its like a seedbox/debrid but the pro plan also comes with Usenet. I just started using it but seems really promising.
They have been having a lot off issues lately because they don’t have enough servers yet. They are supposed to get new servers setup this week.
If you allow background processing of shaders, and leave steam running while your doing other stuff a bit. You won’t even notice them. At least I don’t.
Stargate SG1 and Stargate Atlantis. From the sound of it if you haven’t already watched them you would really like them. Sci fi and definitely has the group/team evolving aspect.
You should check out Nixos. You make a config file that you can just copy over to as many machines as you want.
Well, this is going to mess up my whole setup. Especially my notes.