Cult survivor. Against most forms of religions, specially anti-scientist ones such as all Abrahamism, and will always explain why. I will never stop demonstrating that religion is reactionary, including your own beliefs. Dialectical Materialism is a must in Socialism that cannot be forgotten.
Under a capitalist / classist system? Yes, it will go full Zardoz, with floating faces saying “the gun is good, the penis is evil”, and cultist running with Beach-Borat with boots - like outfits and all, but I can’t see how under a communist system this can in any way become bad.
There’s a lot of Judaist sects, and like the Christian ones, “only my X version of Y religion is the correct one”. Apply it also to the ethnicity, culture, and whatnot, and voilà, Theocracism.
I’m more into things like Jojo or Vinland… But once again I’m more of a Manga enjoyer than an anime fan…
But yeah, pretty much, sadly.
And don’t forget they will never bring how this is the result of theocracism opportunists seeking power with fascistoids, and how this shit is pandemic. And how hate-speech is protected under “religious freedom” too. Because its foolish as fuck trying to ignore this too.
The first therm for war, literally meant “one god fighting against other”, when the main sacerdot declared a fight against another city, and it ended when THE FUCKING TEMPLE AND IDOL WHERE CAPTURED. The fucking Bible is even a compendium of this mentality and the struggle between the monarchy against the sacerdocy.
And people here pretending history and class struggled began in the fucking Industrial Revolution, having to endure opportunist theocracist motherfuckers larping as socialists.
Wait until you study Roman religion under social function and how the adoption of Abrahamism as a privileged one works as since pricesely Roman Empira… And even fucking Sumeria.