Cult survivor. Against most forms of religions, specially anti-scientist ones such as all Abrahamism, and will always explain why. I will never stop demonstrating that religion is reactionary, including your own beliefs. Dialectical Materialism is a must in Socialism that cannot be forgotten.
Under a capitalist / classist system? Yes, it will go full Zardoz, with floating faces saying “the gun is good, the penis is evil”, and cultist running with Beach-Borat with boots - like outfits and all, but I can’t see how under a communist system this can in any way become bad.
The meme is backwards. Jesus was the one wanting massive genocide except for a little group of cultists.
No… Wtf? I mean, yeah, the Gospels contradict each other, and stuff, but depending on the sect and in general therms, Jesus was never a normal man, only in the most gnostic of the gospels, Mark, which is the first one (historically) may interpret this thing, but the religious consensus is that Jesus is divine, not just a prophet like Moses, even if Jesus said that if Moses wasn’t real, he was for nothing. Spoiler:Moses never existed.
I have to plant the seed of counter propaganda, comrade. This myth of portraying Jesus, a character who was condoning racism, tribalism, pseudoscience, theocracism, inmovility, etc, as some sort of socialist caring bear makes good to no one except for religious institutions, who have enormous material and social benefits from it.
Kind of like making memes with Churchill as a good guy and Stalin as worse than Hitler thing.
Jesus was an eschatological prophet-avatar that announced the comming of the end of the world to achieve world dominance/paradise, while portraying non Jewish as worthless dogs and generally bad people. Also, its teachings were mostly, if not all, towards Jewish, being himself the guru of hos own cult following, and, here we come, demanded that the followers pray for this end of the world massacre where only few (of course of his own race) will be saved. Something that is still present in the Gospels and the NT in general.