Runs c/ Will hopefully come back and update this bio futher
Did the squirrel make it out OK?
There are several things I was doing in X-Org that I really don’t have the capacity to figure out in Wayland. One of them was customizing touch pad shortcuts, I used to like having 3 figure swipe commands that worked like keyboard shortcuts. The other was my KVM programs like Barrier seems unable to work in Wayland.
I hope for simple solutions to these problems in the future.
The London community is quiet at the moment so I wouldn’t mind moderating it myself for now, adversely I wouldn’t mind taking on mod duties for other communities until such a time where that would become unmanageable. I appreciate the work being done by the way, I can very much feel a contrast now vs when Feddit UK was essentially unmaintained.
Electric fires are no joke. I’m glad no one is hurt and that this might open up discussions about how to avoid future incidents.
I love it, I had a Mastodon account but I’ve yet to find an instance I’d call a home. With Lemmy it just fell into place here, defined what the Fediverse even is to me and why having these different instances is important.
Imagine just how much worse it would have been if she just came out randomly. The fact she made a glassdoor review long before and it wasn’t picked up says a lot about LMG’s audence.
LMG has a massive frat boy culture to it. It was never hidden, in fact it seemed like it was welcomed and encouraged.
The Gamer’s Nexus video was necessary for others to speak out. Steve was clear that speaking up was a move that could backfire due to the power imbalance involved. Had he not spoken up there would be no opportunity for Madison to weigh in her experiences without being attacked.
Pre-brexit Britain