How would one do that for real? Propably not write and push code that is not ready for production? And do reviews and Tests?
In my experience there are 2 reasons to be a vegan. 1. animal wellbeing and 2. The environment. If you care about animal wellbeing we have to answer the question if bugs have a high enough awareness to notice and care about death. I think their consciousness is rather limited, so I think killing them in that regard is not too bad. Now from an environmental perspective it is bad to kill bugs, but killing one because it is running through your house will realistically not have to biggest impact compared to pesticides or highways or the lack of living space for these animals (rent got too high for them)
So as a vegan I kill moskitos and insects that could harm my property, food or stuff like that. The rest I try to get out the window but don’t bother too much.
I think its pretty cool you spend so much thought on creating a safe and fun digital environment for your children. Its important that the parents have control and overview of what the children are doing. Stay on it and stay interested how they spend their time, else they might feel neglected
It feels like its always the same with big companies trying to please their stakeholders. They just manoeuvered themselves into a very bad corner by planning super short term and trying to milk each product to their limits. All of this because they were super dominant for a long time. But as soon as they experience pressure by amd, apple m1 series or qualcom, to actually perform, they crumble under their own short term planning. It feels like their existence ist onley based on their reputation from several years back and the lack of research done by the customers
Haha thats just how capitalism treated every technological evolution. Society develops a new thing that could ease the work of thousands and enable more spare time. But instead this time is used to create even more tasks. Only difference, that ai does not really speed up things that much right now
Can i suggest they start shooting at each other, out of love?
I agree with most of it. But Linux can just be a pain, and is not always obvious. Specially if you have no real knowledge of Linux and just wat to use it like Macos or windows. I would say it just is not a drop in replacement. Just starting out and choosing a distro can be overwhelming