The Ukranian people wanted to join NATO, and they have a right to it. The reason was safety and their fears have been justified by what has happened. And NATO would never invade Russia anyway due to its nuclear umbrella. And why would they want to anyway?
And the rebels in the Donbas are and have always been aligned with the Russian agressors, and against Kiev. Remember they used to fight the Ukrainian army even before the invasion. Hence the MH17 disaster.
Yes I do see the problem with militaries like this. Don’t see the solution though. Most Western European countries have some neonazis in their ranks because they just like it. The good thing is that this place is actually the easiest place to control them because they do believe in following orders.
I’m certainly not going to volunteer and most sane people aren’t. IMO the whole hierarchical concept of the military just attracts this kind of type and I’d never work like that. Even if I’d been drafted (we still had this when I was young) I would have ended up in jail or something, there’s no way I would have followed orders I didn’t agree with.
Regarding the drones and nukes I view them totally defensive only. Not for playing world police like Obama has done. IMO the department of ‘defense’ should defend their homeland and that of their allies only. Not defend oil interests or other geopolitical grandstanding.
I think it’s because in general the only people here who like to stomp around in camo gear and bark orders around (and suck up to superiors) are kinda inclined that way anyway. A normal person wouldn’t do that willingly. They like to be respected. I wouldn’t want my job to tell me when to eat, sleep, carry heavy shit through the mud, kill people and get shot at and mindlessly obey someone else just because of some stripes, not because they earned my respect.
Fascists thrive in this kind of environment. It attracts them. The military here is kinda welfare for those types. We don’t really have this worship of military service and our country in general in Europe.
Of course we need defense but I see much more value in a nuclear umbrella and automated drones etc. No need for boots on the ground. I wish we invested more into those things.
Yeah the Azov brigade is the worst. But most Ukrainian soldiers just want a safe home for their families.
Germany is known to have some neo Nazis in the Wehrmacht: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/03/world/europe/germany-military-neo-nazis-ksk.html . Does that mean that we shouldn’t support them if Russia invades?
has spent billions arming nazis in Ukraine
They’re not nazis! They are just defending themselves. You’re falling for Putin’s framing.
Of course there are some nazis in Ukraine, you get them in every country sadly. But it’s not justified placing the whole country under that flag.