Wrecker [they/them]
we’re sorry about this and wish we could do more. We encourage everyone to continue reporting rule-breaking comments and posts so that they are more visible to moderators.
I think it’s pretty clear they have no intention of anything retroactive at this point, or removing modship from some of the vcj folks
This is probably a useless comment from someone with my username, but the past week of this, namely the aggression, dismissiveness, and casual racism, has been too fucking upsetting for me. I thought I could help by pushing back against it, showing up in the right threads, report shit, tell admins, etc but I feel like I’m pissing in the wind and it’s just too much. The fact that the going line from site admins the past few days (after largely ignoring it) has been “buh?? rEpOrT iT iF yOu SeE iT” is my final straw. As other haves discussed, this isn’t strictly a new problem or one rooted entirely in veganism, it’s part of a larger trend and I’m just tired, and leaving as well
This site is 8 months old, supposedly socialist, “please take a hard line stance at combatting racism and taking marginalized people seriously when they bring things up” shouldn’t be something we have to fight for, am I wrong? What the fuck is this? If I really wanted to constantly wade through reactionary shit for a few good posts, Reddit has always been an option, I expected better I guess
For those sticking around, keep fighting the good fight
god I just want to be done with work, go home, and boof some freakin reddi whip is that too much to ask