YouAreReadingThis [he/him]
I did not know that this was so common. My parents have been doing exactly this, and they never stop coming back to ”we have to be able to have a sincere conversation, its very important to be honest and say what youre feeling”
After trying that too many times, I have chosen to master the art of white lies and deflection instead. It works much better.
:geordi-no: outdoor cats struggle session
:geordi-no: outdoor people struggle session
:geordi-yes: mudbutt struggle session
Airflow can be weird. There was a review by Gamers Nexus of a case with two large intake fans at the front and none at the back. When they added an exhaust fan at the back, temperature inside the case slightly went up.
Remember that back in november the US told Ukraine that they needed to appear willing to negotiate, even if they weren’t serious about peace
:im-doing-my-part: Starship Troopers!
Serious suggestion: The Battle for Algiers
Very cool custom rig! I see you switched from the original water cooling system to organic.
I think Baldur’s Gate has some level scaling, and the fact that I’m not sure means that it is a success if it does.