Ytse [he/him]
Can’t wait for this to reach the activity levels of the first few days of Minneapolis. That was some good mindless scrolling.
One of the best things about it is that it made g*mers/fascists very angry.
Hm yes Trump saying dumb shit is worse than that time the US fucking nuked two cities.
High tier posting everyone. Feels like the old subreddit.
Still weirding me the fuck out how little coverage the India strike is getting. Like it’s obvious why it’s barely even being mentioned in the media but god it’s so blatant.
Aren’t you still selling your labour to survive as a programmer? I don’t really see how it’s petit bourgeois going by the Marxist definition.
“Died when police went to arrest him”
My brain has actual been melting seeing the mainstream Australian media kick up a fuss about this image. The focus has been completely shifted from the fact that Australian soldiers murdered 39 civilians to the usual red scare bullshit.
Fucks me off I swear to Christ.
I’ve prepared my worst takes for this very moment. I will now receive no mental damage from downvotes as everyone here but me is a raider.