Ziege_Bock [any]
there was a Cum Town Cabin episode where they’re referencing a game of battleship that was played earlier, and Nick says “Adam plays battleship just to sink the USS Liberty,” and you can hear Will Menaker laugh so hard that the mics pick it up from the kitchen as he’s cooking a bolognese.
For whatever reason that has always stuck with me, I think about it when the holiday season comes.
I like how the pieces of evidence to this argument are FPS shooters MOBAs and Children’s programming.
Who the fuck is up reading the book of Zechariah?
You see, if there’s gun violence in north Atlanta metro you need to understand it in the context of Greater Appalachia, as opposed to The Deep South which is where south Atlanta is.
Greater Appalachia is "Settlers overwhelmingly from war-ravaged Northern Ireland, Northern England and Scottish lowlands were deeply committed to personal sovereignty and intensely suspicious of external authority. "
and Deep South is “Established by English Barbadian slave lords who championed classical republicanism modeled on slave states of the ancient world, where democracy was the privilege of the few and subjugation and enslavement the natural lot of the many.”
I will not explain any further.
It’s sugar, man!
Wasn’t this a Whitest Kids You Know sketch?