Ziegebock [he/him]
Sick! consider checking out “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks,” or that Adam Curtis Documentary on youtube “The Way of All Flesh”.
Every time I think about how I miss a more vocal Virgil on Chapo or Bad Faith, I feel disquieted at the prospect that there’s some internal strife between the Chapos and that they’ll never really admit it publicly, leaving us only to guess as to why they don’t play so well with one another anymore. Then I start to think that I’ve developed a parasocial relationship that’s probably not ideal and that I need more relationships in the meat realm.
Whatever their shit is, I hope they work it out, but no good can come from getting emotionally invested in this. Sucks that there’ll never be another tabletop gaming episode though.
If only we could get people to understand that a bicameral legislature was a cool idea in the 18th century that ultimately has been shown to be a bad design for actual governance, and that the Senate ought to be abolished and the House of Representatives to be expanded by gutting the apportionment act. But no, I’d wager that 40% of Americans think that the constitution was divinely inspired and therefore immoral to change.
I remember that once I tried to explain to a skeptical friend about how Rockstar Games contain some interesting commentary and satire of American Society that you just don’t get from mainstream television and film, and that this content is experienced with more immersion. For whatever reason the example I led with was that GTA V’s map is separated rather distinctly between the urban core and the barren rural desert, and that whereas in the city you can listen to public talk radio talking about upcoming elections and the death of culture, in the country you can listen to conspiracy theorists and shows with nationalist and religious themes. While both are lampooned, I thought that it was an interesting artistic choice to set up media echo chambers to illustrate that we don’t share a common media environment in this country and that the ideas that we’re exposed to are largely driven by class and demographics, taking what are already divisions and exacerbating them. For a game that came out in 2013 I feel that there’s a lot in there that’s prescient, if not valuable for understanding the zeitgeist of American culture of that decade.
I love how people can think that the United States isn’t a real democracy and is actually controlled by moneyed and well organized interests, which is correct, and then also think that things would be better if the country be divided into smaller states that would be invariably controlled by the same interests. Like if you think that the Democrats are the politicians enthralled by finance and tech capital who are ever at odds with the Republicans who are the politicians in hoc to finance and extractive capital, what does an independent West Coast Democracy look like and what does Texas look like? Capitalists who have decided to stop competing with each other for the moment and consolidate their power regionally before trying to do imperialism against each other again. Sounds bad, folks.
I think she was saying that stuff on that much maligned episode with taibbi in summer 2020. If memory serves, she was talking about community oversight as opposed to police forces, and how no one realized the possibility that small insular communities can be rather authoritarian of their own volition. This, I think, is an insightful thought that I haven’t seen elsewhere yet.
back in the Clinton 90’s he got some infamy points to repeatedly referring to Chelsea Clinton as “the White House dog”
He said a number of truly racist things (too many to numerate), like old timey racist uncle stuff. Like he said that basketball teams should really be called gangs, and that watching football was like watching the Crips v the Bloods, and once said that American Slavery was actually just an anomaly in our history, since it wasn’t so bad, really, and we only had it for less than a hundred years after 1776, and that really America was so less racist than the rest of the world because we fought a war to end slavery.
He once said that while White settlers killed a lot of natives in colonizing North America, Native Americans probably killed way more white people globally by introducing us to tobacco nicotine, and therefore whites are the real victims of genocide. This is a view I believe he said out of pure sophistry, since he was also quite vocal for most of his career that tobacco didn’t cause cancer, and that liberals who said it did were contributing to American pussification.