Zoift [he/him]
Welcome back
EA-3167, or just like, several spoonfuls of powdered nutmeg.
Easiest things is to wash/disinfect the surface before you carve, like give the pumpkin a nice bleachwater bath. Use clean tools & seal the cut edges with petrolium jelly or WD-40.
Long-term you probably could dry it as a gourd to preserve it, but it’ll shrivel up a lot and look like shit.
Formaldehyde/pickling would also probably work, but i imagine it’d get all mushy.
Its been nice posting with y’all over the years.
Cilantro doesn’t taste like soap, it just tastes like ass.
One of those is the macguffin everyone fights over, so no fighting. Instead one party will feel compelled to seek the other out, bring out their true form, and ask them to fufill their greatest wish. Its like you’ve never seen the show.
Hell yeah Brother