I’m here. I miss some of the smaller communities I used to be apart of. I go back if someone sends me a link, unless it’s NSFW. I don’t have the app, so I just tell people I can’t see that link anymore. shrug
You made it further than me. I was an absolute completionist in OOT and when I started MM, I just extremely put off by the reset time and do things over again. I wanted to finish what I was in the middle of, but having to be interrupted and even plan what I was going to do rather than just explore and fumble through things really bothered me. I really don’t think I made it through more than a handful of time resets before I gave up
The comments suggest this manual is publicly available and this is indeed not classified information. It might be ITAR restricted, but thats a long shot from classified
Drove a manual for 15 years before I got a more family friendly car.
I think the justification is that the white color jobs (things like r&d/engineering) can be more flexible in their deliverables. While physical product not being created is a quantifiable drop in revenue.
It’s definitely hurts the company to do it, but as a temporary solution, it can be molded around. Keep in mind, those white collar employees are still collecting white collar paychecks.