Before I had it all automated, I used to use a browser extension which would send them to the web ui without having to actually open deluge at all. I think it was called deluge siphon.
Nobody doing python? It is my first time participating so I think I’ll try it out my strongest language first. I think if I were to try something else it would be Go, to brush up, or Typescript, which I’ve been wanting to learn but haven’t really had an application for, yet.
(python) Much easier than day 3.
import pathlib
base_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent
filename = base_dir / "day4_input.txt"
with open(base_dir / filename) as f:
lines = f.read().splitlines()
score = 0
extra_cards = [0 for _ in lines]
n_cards = [1 for _ in lines]
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
_, numbers = line.split(":")
winning, have = numbers.split(" | ")
winning_numbers = {int(n) for n in winning.split()}
have_numbers = {int(n) for n in have.split()}
have_winning_numbers = winning_numbers & have_numbers
n_matches = len(have_winning_numbers)
if n_matches:
score += 2 ** (n_matches - 1)
j = i + 1
for _ in range(n_matches):
if j >= len(lines):
n_cards[j] += n_cards[i]
j += 1
answer_p1 = score
answer_p2 = sum(n_cards)
Nice. I’m a long time fan of poetry, but I’m trying out a couple new tools too. Been wanting to check out ruff to replace flake8. And mypy, cause I’ve never worked on a project that used a type checker, though there hasn’t really been much for it to do on the solutions I’ve hammered out so far.
Easy one today
import pathlib
base_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent
filename = base_dir / "day9_input.txt"
with open(base_dir / filename) as f:
lines = f.read().splitlines()
histories = [[int(n) for n in line.split()] for line in lines]
answer_p1 = 0
answer_p2 = 0
for history in histories:
deltas: list[list[int]] = []
last_line: list[int] = history
while any(last_line):
last_line = [last_line[i] - last_line[i - 1] for i in range(1, len(last_line))]
first_value = 0
last_value = 0
for delta_list in reversed(deltas):
last_value = delta_list[-1] + last_value
first_value = delta_list[0] - first_value
answer_p1 += last_value
answer_p2 += first_value