ami [they/them,he/him]
Got covid for the second time, first back in Oct. Fuck, dude. Had to push my vaccination back. Death to America.
Does any other country willfully and openly reject science the way the US does? Like, to be topical, the whole mask thing. I know there’s a few countries in the anglosphere that follow suit to an extent but I don’t think it’s as rampant as it is here. Just tons of people walking around that are openly hostile towards germ theory. Half the people I know l, if they’re not anti maskers, they’re anti vaxxers. Shit is fucking wild.
This is asexual erasure.
Just learned my insurance decided to just change my deductible without notifying me from $0 to $5600 and my out of pocket from $0 to $900.
Everyday this country finds new ways to make me absolutely despise it more.
Wanna quit and collect unemployment but work in a right to work state and can’t get unemployment unless the company literally closes
I got promoted at work. Idk how. I just do as little as possible not to get fired. More money is cool I guess but I’m pretty fucking miserable. I just… idk how long I can take this. Once again I’m asking if anyone has any leads for entry level remote work or any good paths to learn something interesting like uh web development I guess. I can feel myself accelerating into the “fuck it I’d rather be homeless again” mentality but the only thing that keeps me from giving up is my partner depends on me.
Interacting with people
Being around people
Being around people without masks
Bring around management without masks
Waking up early
Driving in traffic
Finishing my work in 3-4 hours and having to find shit to do to look busy for the remainder 4 hours.
I want to learn to build my own home. I used to work in construction briefly and thought that’d be a good primer of where to start but everything was put together so shitty and with the cheapest of materials. It didn’t teach me so much as it made me realize that literally everything in the US is just thrown together by the lowest bidder as quickly and as cheaply as possible. It gives me anxiety driving over any type of bridge or suspension or overpass knowing that at any point it could collapse due to the negligence in building it and the cost cutting measures in order to maximize profit for the companies behind it.
The state I lived in has basically no rights for tenants. Even if it was illegal I didn’t have the money nor time to fight it. On the day he gave us to leave he came by with a sheriff to enforce us all to leave. I’m sure there was legal red tape all over that but none of us could afford to challenge it.