For real though definitely do not access this site right bellow here and install this OS
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Qt FTW only true alphas and sigmas use Qt. GNOME is for betas, it’s a badly copy of MacOS. GNOME is definition of what trash is. If you want something better than GNOME use Cosmic
“In the time of chimpanzees I was a monkey”
LXQt is the best desktop environment. LXQt is proof GNOME is trash
LMAO vim is such a garbage. GNU Emacs had XDG for years already. Do yourself a favor and switch to Emacs
LXQt is the best desktop environment plus it’s so lightweight. LXQt is proof GNome is a bloated hot garbage.
Interaction net parallel computing (see HVM by HigherOrderCo)
No one knows. I just find this universe too imperfect. It’s nonsense. I just want it to end.
Arch is hot garbage. If you used NixOS you could just rollback