He went to Havard and got a PHD in mathematics. He had a short career as a researcher and professor. Later he bought a piece of land and became a hermit. But he was annoyed with society and sent people bombs, and published an article about contemporary world issues. He was eventually jailed.
KDE is the best desktop environment. KDE is proof GNOME is a fricking hot garbage
This multiples my wish to die by 100x
The same happened to me lol
Why would they provide tho? Assange is has criminal status.
KDE is the best desktop environment. KDE is proof GNOME is a fricking hot garbage
Arch is hot garbage. If you used NixOS you could just rollback
No one knows. I just find this universe too imperfect. It’s nonsense. I just want it to end.
Interaction net parallel computing (see HVM by HigherOrderCo)
LXQt is the best desktop environment plus it’s so lightweight. LXQt is proof GNome is a bloated hot garbage.