Yes, once a year or so. I’ve gotten a lot of value out of it and i like the idea of paying it forward for people who aren’t in a position to donate
Everyone is part of the server they signed up with. Federation allows everyone to see each other’s posts, filtered through your own server.
If another server defederates yours, their users essentially can’t see your (new) comments/posts. But you can see most of theirs.
It is not necessarily a 2 way street. Continuing the example, your server can choose whether or not to defederate back. If it does defederate, you’ll no longer see any new comments/posts from the other server.
I recently found out about the Seek app on android - it can id plants using your camera. Useful for figuring out rando unlabeled plants on sale at my grocery store 🪴
Precision toilet
What kind of Irish animal is this?
It’s always about whether or not a space is actually moderated, no?
Maybe they’re preserving the option to try again with a new restaurant?
AI needs constant data to stay up to date, so i think it’s still worth it.
Personally I’ve found a happy medium between total privacy and convenience.