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Report, block, and move on folks. If the mods want this place to harbor racists then they’ll do nothing. But you did your job.


Not missed yet. Doesn’t start filming until spring.


Probably not. It’s pretty high up on the top for the last 6 hours across Lemmy instances so there are likely people who aren’t really looking at where they are.


I’m too drunk to read the whole thing, but I have an anecdote that is related.

Years and years ago one of my customers was a city. They had SCADA systems to control and monitor the city water. Originally there was no way to access the Internet from the control machines and no way to access those machines from the Internet.

Well, they got a new boss at the water department and he wants to check it from home. He’d been told that’s a bad idea repeatedly. Eventually my boss got some folks at the city to sign a document saying we don’t recommend it and they accept the risks and I get him remote access.

Time moves on several months and suddenly half the city has no water. Anyone care to guess why? Anyone care to guess who the city tried to blame? Because that person and the MSP they worked for would have been fucked if not for a nice waiver showing that we said this would happen.


Yeah, Infinity hates it. I’ve still got a Firefox browser app pinned that works fine though.


If they’d fix transit here I’d be all over it. I think a lot of others would be as well.

Doesn’t really matter to me because I do work from home. No right on red? Not my problem. Buti do care about others. So the fact that the average commute loses working folks almost a week every year hurts my heart. Losing almost another week without a transit plan (or any kind of fucking plan…I may be a little angry) in place hurts my heart. So does injuring or killing cyclists.

I think there’s probably a nuanced and thoughtful answer that would reduce the time folks are on the road (costing both time and money, plus a lot of them have to find off hours child care) for work while not killing cyclists. I don’t have that answer. I just don’t think making things more terrible is it. I think there’s got to be a way to offer an incentive not to be on the road, protecting everyone and not stealing money and time from workers.


In some cases you’d be right. In others, since the city didn’t plan for it, there would be massive extra traffic in a lot of places because people can’t turn right on red. We’re not talking about an extra 3 minutes at a light. We’re talking about a lane that is usually semi-steadily moving coming to a standstill multiplied by however many lights allow that in the city. So either millions of people in cities like Houston, New York, LA, and Chicago need to leave half an hour earlier (adding 130 hours a year to their commute) or be late.

A lot of that could be solved by not forcing people who don’t need to be in an office back into the office, put in proper bicycle lanes, and redesigning city centers as places to eat, walk, experience a city, and live rather than just office buildings. But the last one is a little ambitious on the short term scale.

Edit: and transit. I fucking forgot transit because it’s so garbage here that I never remember it’s a thing.


We have magic stones inscribed with precise runes powered by captured lightning displaying this information across the world.

I can agree with you and still be in awe. It makes my user experience more awesome.


I’ve got Linux installed around the house. I also have a Mac and a couple of Windows machines.

My most recent journey into dual booting my daily driver was a mess. Theoretically everything on the laptop was well supported. But I had to fix a dozen problems and by the end I just couldn’t care anymore.

I have had a job in IT or a related field for nearly two decades and have been an enthusiast since before that. But it’s not my life and I don’t want to spend all my time futzing with config files. I want to play games, make things out of wood, play music, ride motorcycles, hang out with people I like, and generally just live my life. Trying to get an OS running is so far down the list that I can’t be bothered to care.

I still use it for a lot of programming and automation tasks as well as steam remote play devices I have set up like consoles. I use my Mac for music production because I already own the software there and I like my workflow. Windows is my “daily driver”, but most of what I use it for is Internet and Office (which would be Linux if I hadn’t had to fuck with it so much). Honestly, I use my phone more often than anything else so I guess vanilla Android is my daily driver because I haven’t booted a computer in two days.
