
“Number of packages” is kinda hard to define. A good approximation can be done by searching for the relevant arch name on the latest nixpkgs eval on Hydra and looking at “Still succeeding jobs” + “Newly succeeding jobs”. Here’s the links for aarch64-linux
(61481 total) and x86_64-linux
(72227 total) for example. I don’t think there’s a way to easily get historical data, you probably have to write a script that queries hydra or something.
You really like to dance around admitting the fact that the war was started because NATO tried to set up its weapons on the Russian border and use the threat to either coerce or openly attack Russia.
NATO has had weapons on the Russian border for 20 years now. There were obviously no plans to “openly attack Russia”, as they would have been realized after Russia actually invaded Ukraine. As for coercion, yeah, imperialism sucks, I wish US didn’t do it, but it does not justify starting a war with a smaller country with intent to invade it.
On that note, mind telling us how you think Russia should have reacted to the NATO-backed coup in Ukraine in 2014?
I’m not one to give complex geopolitical advice, but definitely not by invading it. Perhaps a good start would be exercising its immense soft power inside the country to help pro-Russian powers (which has been attempted, but extremely unsuccessfully).
All the reasons I’ve provided are grounded in actual Russian reality as it was before the invasion. I had been following russian news, from both official and independent outlets, due to actually living there. I don’t think I need to look up the obviously made up reasons of “denazification” and “demilitarisation”.