Not need go be, capitalism is planned to eat itself at some point, and we traveling fast to that point. Violence is mostly a weapon of the enemy to keep the capital running, like with wars. I see in a better world, without capitalism, no violence at all from the people who do not care about the tribalism of money and possession.
I didn’t find any good enough hobby in this 35 years of life that didn’t fade after some time. At moment I’m very empty inside, I spend half day sleeping and other half working, everything looks expansive to do, I give up on everything, I’m keeping myself alive because I’m just scared of the pain and I can’t imagine stop existing.
My first porn was on floppy disk
La fine del mondo si avvicina, ancora tre o quattro anni e torniamo al medioevo, illuso chi crede che qualcun altro arriverà a risolvere le cose portando lavoro e soluzioni facili, siamo perduti.
Inner peace
12-13 in Europe.
Guns, of course. But let’s don’t say to make them illegal or americans get mads telling you isn’t about weapons and everything can be a weapon. Well then try do a mass shootings with an hammer, a knife or a rock.
Indagine nella mente di un povero che condivide links dietro a paywall, perchè lo fa? La pagano lei per pubblicizzare questi individui?
I think that human nature is not meant to be universally shared in all its communities and that indeed there will always be the desire to have divisions, this to bind more with single individuals who become then family or friends. Being friends of all, but also only friendly, is a counter-evolutionary fantasy. The Internet is inadequate for long-range relationships, this is evident to all those who frequent large virtual communities. I sugget (even to myself) to press x more often.