Blame this on the misfortune of your birth.
Sending good vibes yours and Calvin’s way. Sounds like he’s got some chutzpah, so I know he’ll be fine. Hope you aren’t too shaken up. Know that this internet stranger is here if you want to talk about it.
Mata can eat a hard-boiled dick. I normally advocate repurposing hardware over destruction, but in this case, we can’t let God do all the work.
It’s also adorable! Also, the babies are called platypups!
Sarek over here playing tridimensional chess posing as a Romulan captain. Tricksy Vulcan bastard!
My last job was dedicated to Sonos hardware for the music in their retail locations. Part of my role was to manage all of that garbage and the integration with a custom A/V solution. Who’s laughing now, assholes? HAHAHAHAHA!!!
The Lefty Cappuccino?