Mid 90s at work as a project support technician in Sony Broadcast R&D in the UK. Slackware, then red hat mostly. Installed Linux boxes in various digital TV stations in London in 1999/2000, used to insert interactive games into the broadcast stream.
I was a sysadmin from 99 to about 2018, from then onwards I’m more DevOps. Done a bunch of stuff with CentOS too, including migrating 500k email accounts to our hosted solution. Other cool stuff included a VMware based development environment using Foreman + FreeIPA to auto provision dev VMs with all sorts of puppet code.
Now at home I run Fedora and work on macOS, writing Terraform and Python. And some nodejs too.
Been at it a long ass time now lol
Sweet! I really like the refurbished, small, business PCs for all sorts of fun home server stuff.
Check Xorg logs, probably in /var/log, or possibly system log /var/log/syslog or messages.
I’m only just starting to use Kitty, but so far it’s been a joy. It may end up displacing iTerm2 from my work machines.
Heh, Big Chicken.
I guess I’m easily amused today lol
I have several ways I cope:
Satisfaction that the rich are going to get fucked by climate catastrophe and ecosystem collapse just as much as everyone else. The climate change deniers will starve just like the rest of us.
It’s been billions of years before I existed, and potentially trillions of years afterwards. I’m incredibly lucky to be aware and thinking, so why should I complain about stuff happening after my spark of awareness has faded?
Earth will continue without humans just fine, eventually getting swallowed by the Sun. Nothing humanity has done will survive.
Celebrate being alive to experience the universe.
When I owned an Infiniti G37x, the owners manual said to use the higher octane fuel, so I did just that.
Will have to check this out, thank you!