bobdolesflaccidunit [he/him]
Yes. Some of our favorite phrases to upvote are:
“Let that sink in.”
“You sir are a gentleman and a scholar.”
“Thank you kind stranger.”
“I hope Hillary runs again.”
Not her fault nerds be out there not knowing how to pirate shit.
Andor: :powercry-2: I’m a big baby the Empire can torture and kill all my friends and family I’m gonna run away.
Brasso: :gigachad-hd: Fuck the Empire.
Whatever society emerges from the ashes after our inevitable destruction will use this as “Exhibit A: Extreme excess and the carelessness it creates.”
I was very much a “PoE is too complicated” person and wrote it off for years. It is now my favorite game and I can’t see myself playing Diablo because it just seems so shallow in comparison.
It also cops so much from D2 and LoD the first time I played through the campaign it was hitting all those nostalgia buttons. Moreso than D3 ever did.
Do the Dixie Chicks count?
I have signed up to receive one with the intention of hacking it.