bobdolesflaccidunit [he/him]
The only way to stop an undercover fed with a gun is to also be an undercover fed with a gun.
I don’t know who any of these people are but that angry fella seems ok
Who the hell is grinding karma? Like who gives a fuck?
If you have an account with more than like 2000 karma you’re just a loser
I asked ChatGPT what causes income inequality and it just gave me a bunch of non answers and half causes. At no point did it mention billionaires .
I then asked about billionaires causing it, and it basically told me this was a controversial opinion.
I then asked if it was aware of its own implicit biases and it told me it was a machine and could not be biased. Any bias is an issue with the data it pulls from.
I told it that is still a bias if you are choosing to regurgitate it.
It then told me it was constantly reviewing its dataset and it was doing everything it could to remove any biases it did have.
I told it that was not even possible and it just reiterated the previous point.
“Tired of trying to buy food at the grocery store but having to dodge dogs and avoid stepping over their leashes.”
Where do you do your grocery shopping? The puppy bowl?
It’s all a bit leading up to a Super Bowl commercial I am 100% certain.
As much as I don’t like this version of it I also think prisoners should be allowed to run for and become president.
Honestly the most fun to be had on the old subreddit was dunking on chuds who came in trying to cause shit, and having honest discussions with libs who were trying to reconcile with their cognitive dissonance.
Everything is pornography!
Nude beaches: pornography.
Showers at the gym: pornography.
Mothers breastfeeding: pornography.
Looking at yourself in the mirror after a bath: pornography.
Drawing a dick in the soot on someone’s car: pornography and you go straight to jail.