If the thread had been titled “how do I make a bahn mi” then I’d have upvoted you to the moon. But it wasn’t. It was asking how to make that most English (not British, but English) of foods, a cucumber sandwich. And in case that wasn’t a clue enough, the community is Ask UK. Not Ask Vietnam or Ask America.
That “assuming nothing else changes” is doing a huge amount of heavy lifting.
Something that I heard a few years ago really demonstrated people’s rightward political shift as they age like nothing else.
Imagine a child born shortly after the end of the Second World War, say 1948-1950. That child would have been a young adult, 18-20, in 1968. That was both the year that the hippie movement gained greatest prominence as well as the year of radical protest where young people around the world organised and fought back against corruption and repression.
Now fast forwards to 2016. Those very same post-war children are now aged 66-68. That’s the demographic that more than any other voted in favour of Brexit. I bet if you’d gone back to those young radicals of '68 and told them they were going to become bigoted, narrow-minded xenophobes they’d have laughed in your face. But it happened.
And now, my mind being what it is, I’ve immediately started wondering if Doctor Legg ever got a glimpse of Ethel’s little willy.
I enjoy Sara Cox’s evening drivetime show. I sometimes wish I didn’t, but when you’re doing yet another 4-hour slog up the M1/M6 in evening rush hour traffic it’s perfect company.
And Zoe Ball can be OK in the mornings, although I’ll often tune into something with a bit less chatter unless I’m feeling particularly enthusiastic. Other than those two shows, R2 doesn’t really do it for me. And yes, Jeremy Vine is utterly off-putting.
We’ve seen this happen before, and it always ends in failure. A small number of Labour Party members leave the party in disgust, an even fewer number are angry enough and motivated enough to form a new party. It either fizzles out due to burnout, or gets invaded by Trots and destroyed from the inside.
The one example I can think of that’s survived for many years is Arthur Scargill’s Socialist Labour Party, formed in very similar circumstances to now: a decaying, corrupt, widely-hated Tory government almost certain to lose the next election but the leader of the Labour Party (i.e. Blair) was in no way left wing or promising any socialist policies.
The SLP was set up in 1996 and is still going. After nearly 30 years, how much electoral success has it had? How many people other than ultra-committed political obsessives (such as us!) even know of its existence?
Maybe a controversial one but I much prefer the US version of Shameless to the British one.