nunca falha…
Como ocorre a ‘infecção’ O Brats vem escondido dentro de um app que é baixado fora da loja oficial do Google, segundo a Karpersky. A vítima acessa um site que diz que se a pessoa baixar um aplicativo de extensão .APK [formato de arquivos de apps Android] e abrir um baú, ela ganhará dinheiro.
pqp, tem que estar com muita vontade de pegar vírus
It’s all about nuclear power. All nations in the Security Council have the power to end civilization with nuclear weapons. That’s what this war is about as well, Russia is just showing it can do as it pleases. There can be no democracy with such disparity of bellic power, that’s the reason that institution exists and it’s foolish to assume Russia could be expelled.
Para alguém que defende tanto a família (mas só hetero, tá?) essa hipótese faria dele um homofóbico hipócrita. Acho que com esse recurso a jornalista busca expor o lixo humano que esse parlamentar é, mas acho que a homofobia já seria o suficiente para conscientizar a leitora…
You have a point. India and Pakistan are out of the Security Council because they are underdeveloped and are busy having their nuclear missiles aimed at each other. North Korea has at most only a couple of ICBMs and is unable to destroy our entire civilization, even though it can create a lot of destruction with those. That is the most troublesome of nations for the UN, because they don’t give a fuck about rules and are slowly increasing their bellic power, thus all the fuss about them improving their nuclear program with the help of Russia. Geopolitics is fun.
uau! é quase como se a lógica de mercado não fosse capaz de resolver todos os problemas da sociedade
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