
copgutz [she/her]

3 posts • 83 comments
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I don’t think I’ve said anything that counters what you’ve just stated, so I’m not sure what you disagree on exactly. Yes, abortion is good. I think we have the same reasons for supporting it. I also think abandoning your child is very shitty, but we have to admit that it will still sometimes happen.

Let me bring it back to my friend whose partner abandoned her late in her pregnancy. He was likely to always do this. If he had incentive to tell her in the first few weeks instead, when she still still could have had an abortion, wouldn’t that have been better? I’m not saying her decision entirely would have depended on that, but if our system is going to be such a failure at collecting child support from these shitty neglectful parents, can’t we at least encourage them to do that in a time frame that allows the carrier to plan for that?


I was more referring to that this game (Deadlands) has a sizeable list of specific models. For example, there are 9 types of Colt Revolvers. Beyond deciding for combat flavor if I want them to run single or double-action firing mechanisms, should I really be bothered with the difference in a Colt Army and a Colt Dragoon? Maybe I should have crossposted in guns so the people who care about this can tell me exactly what an illiterate Pinkerton toady would be packing.


Yeah, I want citations on these claims. Screenshots of her posts and what sounds like the most inane “bullying” by internet standards probably wouldn’t make her look good though so I doubt we’ll get them. Hell, I consider “:logout:, dumbass” to be downright polite.


With how things are going I wouldn’t rule it out immediately but :jesus-christ:


The color isn’t even symmetrical. Why is it like that?


The remorseful ghost of a slave that is handing over the tissue box is shackled in a bizarre manner. What could Kelly have meant by this? The lack of label on them leaves me at a loss.


I think it’s fundie for handjobs. Even knowing the terms here doesn’t help me understand what this chart is illustrating. There aren’t even axes, and if there were what are we to assume the y-axis could be? If it’s control, are they implying married Mormons lack all control of their sexual practices? This is absolutely bewildering and I love it.


I agree that parents have a responsibility to their child but abortion gives me an option to not become a parent even if I become pregnant and I think there should be an equivalent just on a shorter clock.

Obviously they’d need to pay if they don’t take the parental termination route early enough, but there are situations where someone can have sex and not intend to get pregnant, and so I think it logically follows that someone can have sex while not intending to get someone pregnant. It might be contraceptives failing, a hookup, or any other number of reasons. If the carrier lets the other person know quickly why should there not be a way for them to say “I don’t want to be a parent even if you decide to keep it”?

You said “I don’t think people should be able to abandon their responsibilities if they aren’t willing to put in the work.” Should a pregnant person be allowed to have a medical abortion if they aren’t willing to put in the work or should they have to just tough it out and become a parent anyway? Personally I don’t think anyone should have to give a reason to have an abortion, so even if their reason is they don’t want the work or financial burden of a child that’s more than enough.

I’m not suggesting at all that this be attainable any time other than in the early weeks of pregnancy, but I’m hesitant to suggest an exact week because I’m not trying to write a law as much as rethink what a legal abortion could mean.

There are foreseeable problems I don’t have answers to though, like what if the carrier does not inform their partner of the pregnancy until it is too late to seek parental termination, but then we’re really just in the situation we are now.

If I need to put it in cisheteronormative terms to make it more understandable, I think men should be able to get abortions too, just via paperwork instead of a pill or surgery.


Jail. Straight to jail.


I appreciate that freespeech here is one word, as if it’s branded or not the same thing as free speech.
